
What is a good bench press weight for women?

Question by KatieP: What is a good bench press weight for women?
On a (male? standard?) free weight bench press. I did 55 pounds today (bar + 10 on each side) and I can do 45 pretty easily. I am 125 lb. What is a good goal? I don't want to get big muscles. I am just starting out and my gym doesn't have smaller female bars or anything.

Best answer:
You should be able to do 12 - 15 reps per set. If you can't do that many reduce the weight. If you can do more than that increase the weight. You will develop lean muscle, not big bulky muscles.

12 - 15 reps for all exercises

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Secrets To An Effective Home Gym: Weight Benches

Article by Edwin K.

Secrets To An Effective Home Gym: Weight Benches

The weight bench that you need for your home gym will depend upon your overall gym design. For example, if you have decided to go with a power rack, you will not need the crutches. On the other hand, if you aren't going with the power rack, the crutches are essential.

If you do not have or plan to have a power rack, one of the most critical factors in choosing a weight bench is the distance between the crutches. Crutches with greater distance hold more weight. For example, weight benches that are built for Olympic weights have a 44-48" space, but midsize benches have around a 36" space. The midsize bench is adequate for most people.

If you do not have a power rack, you'll also want to find a weight bench or bench system that allows for squatting. There are a great many designs of weight benches on the market that that feature a squat rack at the rear of the bench. Also, without a power rack, you will want to look for some sort of self-spotting attachment. If you don't have a training partner, you will need some way to lift heavy weights safely.

Your weight bench for your home gym must be able in incline and decline. This weight bench feature lets you stress your muscles in different ways, and that's an important factor in continuing your muscle mass gains.

Many weight benches have leg attachments that come with the bench. If they aren't standard, they are offered as an attachment. If the leg attachments are an extra, you can wait and add them later when you can afford them, but you do eventually want them.

Choose a weight bench that will provide you with the necessities first. You can always add the add-ons later.

Orignal From: What is a good bench press weight for women?

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